Hey there, welcome to searchtella!

Let’s dive right into the nitty-gritty of these terms and conditions for using our awesome website, searchtella.com. If you’re cool with the rules, great – let’s embark on this internet journey together. If not, no hard feelings, but it might be time to explore elsewhere.

Now, let’s break down some of the fancy words here. When we say “Client,” “You,” and “Your,” we’re talking about you, the person cruising through our website and agreeing to play by our rules. “The Company,” “Ourselves,” “We,” “Our,” and “Us” – that’s us, the awesome crew running the show. “Party,” “Parties,” or “Us” – that’s all of us in this online adventure together. So, when you spot those words, just know we’re all on the same page.

Alright, let’s talk about cookies. Not the delicious, edible kind (though they’re great too), but internet cookies. We use ’em here, just like most websites. They help us make this place run smoother for you. Some of our pals who advertise here might use cookies too, just so you know.

Now, onto the good stuff – like the content on our site. We (or our partners) own all the rights to it. You can check it out for your own personal use, but please don’t think about publishing, selling, or copying it without our permission. Sharing is caring, but not when it messes with our stuff.

Next up, comments. We’ve got spaces on this site where you can share your thoughts and ideas. But here’s the deal – these comments are all on you. We don’t mess with them before they go live. So, keep it clean and respectful, and don’t use this space to promote anything shady.

If you leave a comment, you’re giving us the green light to use it however we want. We won’t steal your ideas, but we might share ’em with others.

Now, let’s talk about linking to our stuff. Some awesome peeps like government agencies, search engines, and news outlets can link to our site without asking for permission. Others might need a nod from us first. If you’re in doubt, just shoot us an email, and we’ll sort it out. But, don’t go slapping our logo on your stuff without asking – that’s a no-go.

And don’t even think about framing our webpages without asking first. That’s a big no-no.

Now, when it comes to the content on your own website, that’s all on you. We’re not responsible for what you put up there, and you agree to keep us out of any trouble that might come your way because of it.

We’ve got the right to ask you to take down any links to our site, and you’ve gotta do it pronto. Also, we can change these rules whenever we want, so if you’re linking to us, you gotta play by the latest rules.

If you stumble upon a link on our site that rubs you the wrong way, let us know, and we’ll think about taking it down. But remember, we’re not obligated to do it.

One last thing – we try our best to keep this website accurate and running smoothly, but we can’t promise it’ll always be perfect. So, don’t come knocking on our door if something goes a little wonky.

And finally, just to cover all our bases, we’ve gotta let you know that we’re not liable for any crazy stuff that might happen while you’re here. But, you know, if there’s anything serious like personal injury or fraud, the usual rules still apply.

Alright, that’s enough of the legal talk. Thanks for hanging out on searchtella, and remember, stay awesome!

Contact Us

Marketing and clickbite LLC. – Hawaii 808-855-3835 – [email protected] 1213 Klondike Dr Lake Arrowhead CA 92352